
- 广告销售英文简历范本
- Seasoned sales professional able to work with major accounts. Creative and resourceful in generating ideas and solving problems.
- 2024-10-25 关注:9
- 外企英文简历范文3篇
- Coordinated team of ten in planning sorority recruiment, resulting in a chapter membership increase of 35 percent.
- 2024-10-25 关注:18
- 采购英文简历模板
- ·Outstanding supplier base development and management capability.
- 2024-10-25 关注:11
- 英文简历表模板
- inance/Investments/Securities, Trading/Import & Export ,Wholesale/Retail ,Public Relations/ Marketing/ Exhibitions ,Transportation/Logistic/Distribution
- 2024-10-25 关注:10
- 后勤工作人员个人英文简历模板
- 2024-10-25 关注:11
- 管理专业的英文个人简历
- 很多人或许会认为,虽然很多大公司要求递交中英文简历,但是HR大都是中国人,所以只要把中文简历缔造好,英文简历只是走个过场
- 2024-10-25 关注:11
- 行政部秘书英文简历范本
- The executive branch to deal with the day-to-day work and services
- 2024-10-25 关注:9
- 求职意向英文简历
- As a graduate student, in the long-term scientific research activities, develop a strong sense of responsibility
- 2024-10-25 关注:9
- 英文履历表范文3篇
- Jan 2005Oct 2006. Zell Consulting Co. Ltd, Immigrated and lived in New Zealand. Responsible for trade fairs between New Zealand and PRC.
- 2024-10-25 关注:9
- 5条实用英文简历写作技巧
- My interest in the advertised position has prompted* me to forward my resume for your review.
- 2024-10-25 关注:8
- 英文能力怎么在简历中体现出来?
- 英语基本上成为了外企筛选的一个重要门槛。不过今天我们要谈的不是怎么学英文,而是从求职的第一步入手,谈谈在简历中应该去怎么体现你的英文能力。
- 2024-10-25 关注:12
- 个人简历表格英文版
- Talented Oracle Database, EBS and software development professional
- 2024-10-25 关注:11
- 英文简历的页眉如何写
- 英文简历的格式结构括页眉部分、教育背景、工作经历和个人资料四部分。我们先来说说页眉部分的写法。
- 2024-10-25 关注:11
- 个人简历英文版模板
- Name: fresh graduates to apply for a job and gender: male
- 2024-10-25 关注:10
- 英文求职简历3篇
- To obtain a positon that utilizes my potential as software engineer
- 2024-10-25 关注:9
- 国际贸易专业英文简历模板
- Name: Zhu Di-Wen English Name : Steven Chu
- 2024-10-25 关注:8
- 英文简历常见的几种形式
- 英文简历并无固定不变的单一形式,应聘者完全可以根据个人的具体情况来确定采用何种形式,灵活设计。
- 2024-10-25 关注:12
- 英文简历字体
- 英文简历的字体,建议用Times New Roman.
- 2024-10-25 关注:9
- 专业英文简历模板
- Graduate institutions: the political landscape of Xi'an Institute of Foreign Affairs: member
- 2024-10-24 关注:7
- 英文简历“五忌”
- 没有人愿意看太冗长的句子,而且切记YRIS(Your resume is scanned,not read)原则,雇主只是在扫描您的简历。
- 2024-10-24 关注:8
- IT人员个人简历
- Willing to work as a Computer Programmer in the well known IT industry.
- 2024-10-24 关注:10
- 常用英文简历模板范文3篇
- To obtain a positon that utilizes my potential as software engineer
- 2024-10-24 关注:7
- 实例教你如何写作英文简历
- 写中文简历,对中国人来说,小菜一碟,但是写英文简历呢?那情况就不一样了,很多人根本不懂英语,于是请朋友代写英文简历,这还好些。
- 2024-10-24 关注:11
- 个人简历优秀模板英文版
- To obtain a challenging position as a software engineer with an emphasis in software design and development.
- 2024-10-24 关注:10
- 英文版应届毕业生简历
- 英文简历是使用英文写的简历。英文简历(resume)并无固定不变的单一形式,应聘者完全可以根据个人的具体情况来确定采用何种形式,灵活设计。
- 2024-10-24 关注:8
- 平面设计师英文个人求职简历
- 很多人或许会认为,虽然很多大公司要求递交中英文简历,但是HR大都是中国人,所以只要把中文简历缔造好,英文简历只是走个过场,随便弄一下就可以了。
- 2024-10-24 关注:11
- 金融行业个人英文简历
- Mechanical design, electromechanics integrate, the electromechanical drive and control
- 2024-10-24 关注:10
- 面试英文简历
- East China University of Science and Technology Master Candidate
- 2024-10-23 关注:10
- 英文个人求职简历范文模板最新
- September 2000 -2003 in Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province in June Xiushui County Junior High School First School in September
- 2024-10-23 关注:17
- 质量主管英文简历
- arget Positions: Quality/Safety Management-QA/QC Manager/Supervisor
- 2024-10-23 关注:8
- 英语教师英文简历范文3篇
- 2008/08-2008/12:an English training teacher of Info Tech Essentials, Inc. Huang Shi Branch
- 2024-10-23 关注:10