- 打造完美英文简历之教育背景
- 地名右对齐,全部大写并加粗。地名后一定写中国。例如,海口(Haikou)的拼写与日本北海道(Hokaido)的拼写很相近。
- 2024-10-23 关注:12
- 求职简历英文3篇
- Professional legal professional graduate school the central university for nationalities 1992.9-1996.7
- 2024-10-23 关注:11
- 英文简历中自我评价范文模板
- 英文简历是使用英文写的简历。英文简历(resume)并无固定不变的单一形式,应聘者完全可以根据个人的具体情况来确定采用何种形式,灵活设计。
- 2024-10-23 关注:12
- 英文简历切忌单调简陋
- 一份出色的Resume,是向外企求职的关键之一。不了解有关的常识和程式,不花费相当的心思来展示,光有纯正娴熟的英文功底,并不能获得单位的青睐。
- 2024-10-23 关注:6
- 个人简历需要突出的三种能力
- 写简历的时候要注意表现自己的一些能力,尤其要突出与所应聘的工作相关的一些能力以及适应能力。下面是简历中常常要突出的三种能力:
- 2024-10-23 关注:9
- 金融行业个人简历
- Position as financial or investment advisor with a leading investment firm, specializing in the management of large corporate assets.
- 2024-10-22 关注:9
- IT人员的英文简历范文
- Bachelor Professional: Information Technology and Business
- 2024-10-22 关注:11
- 个人求职简历英文
- Responsible for the daily rehabilitation hospital patients, treatment planning arrangements and patient-to-day patient satisfaction surveys
- 2024-10-22 关注:13
- 如何装扮好你的英文简历
- 语言简练。对于求职者来讲,目的明确、语言简练是其简历行之有效的基础。如在教育背景中写相关课程,不要为了拼凑篇幅
- 2024-10-22 关注:13
- 护士英文版个人简历范文
- Conducted a short-term internship in hospital during the vacation.
- 2024-10-22 关注:13
- 物流人员个人简历
- Looking for a position as Logistic specialist to utilize my skills and experience in the mentioned filed.
- 2024-10-22 关注:9
- 项目经理英文简历模板
- On September 1, 2006 to July 1, 2010 Tienjin college of commerce market marketing bachelor's degree
- 2024-10-22 关注:5
- 英文简历送你进世界500强
- 一封介绍性的信笺,介绍你自己以及你应征的目的,并有机会在其中概述你的技能和你能为公司做出的贡献,大多数公司除了要履历之外还要求附上一封说明信。
- 2024-10-22 关注:10
- 哪些英语证书最受外企喜欢?
- 托业是世界上职业 英语 能力测验中最顶级的 考试 ,全球有4000多家企业使用托业成绩,每年有超过200万人应试。
- 2024-10-22 关注:14
- 英语个人简历作业
- Director of Training, First Nationwide Bank
- 2024-10-22 关注:13
- 考博英文简历模板
- To secure an entry level position in an organization where my skills and expertise are utilized in a way that helps both me and the company
- 2024-10-21 关注:11
- 医生出国英文简历模板
- Key curriculums include Organic chemistry, Medical physics, Cell biology, Anatomy, Histology and Embryology
- 2024-10-21 关注:14
- 实习英文简历模板
- People race: the han nationality birth: on November 4, 1988
- 2024-10-21 关注:8
- 如何写出原汁原味英文简历
- Your CV should not go beyond two pages, so deciding what to include and what to leave off is very important.
- 2024-10-21 关注:8
- 投简历英语
- February 2006-now software technology Co., LTD market development commissioner
- 2024-10-21 关注:7
- 英文简历的模板格式
- To obtain a challenging position as a software engineer with an emphasis in software design and development.
- 2024-10-21 关注:7
- 应聘外企如何写漂亮的英文简历
- 知名国际企业录用人才的程序严格,大多数人都是以一份中英文简历开始塑造他在公司的形象。
- 2024-10-21 关注:7
- 出国留学英文简历模板
- Courses taken;English Grammar, Comprehensive English, English reading, English audio, English spoken English
- 2024-10-21 关注:8
- 留学申请英文简历
- Responsible for organizing the Societys 2008-2009 social programme
- 2024-10-20 关注:7
- 毕业生英文个人简历范文
- To obtain a challenging position as a software engineer with an emphasis in software design and development.
- 2024-10-20 关注:11
- 应聘监理员英文简历模板
- Donald Jobs service@qiaobutang.com (+86) 138-0013-8000 Objective: Construction Supervisor/Supervisor
- 2024-10-20 关注:11
- 留学英文简历范文3篇
- Company's name:WATTONE CONSULTING &SERVICES CHINA LTD.Begin and end date: 20xx-06-20xx-08
- 2024-10-20 关注:7
- 客服英文个人简历模板范文
- Demonstrated ability in the provision of sales support services.
- 2024-10-20 关注:9
- 投资分析师的英文简历
- Comprehensive knowledge of defined contribution 401(k) pension concepts and regulations.
- 2024-10-20 关注:10
- 艺术设计英文个人简历
- Monthly requirements: 2000 - 3500 hope that the working area: Guangzhou Guangzhou Guangzhou
- 2024-10-20 关注:9
- 工艺工程师英文个人简历表格
- Electronics/Electrical/Semiconductor/Instrument: Embeded Development and Optoelectronic Technology
- 2024-10-20 关注:9