- Love verse爱情诗句
- Without you?I'd be a soul without a purpose.
Without you?I'd be an emotion without a heart
I'm a face without expression,A heart with no beat.
- 英语学习 2018-06-07 关注:74
- Red is for love 红色是情爱
Let you love shine 让她放光彩。
Orange is for hope 橙色是希望
Dream you dream 放飞心中的梦想
Yellow is for happiness 黄色是幸福
- 英语学习 2018-06-07 关注:69
- Little by little渐渐熄灭
- By Pablo Neruda 作者: 帕布罗.聂鲁达
I want you to know one thing 希望你知道
You know how this is 这是我的想法
If I look at the crystal moon 当我凭窗凝望
- 英语学习 2018-06-07 关注:90
- Act now!现在就行动!
- In a class I teach for adults, I recently did the “unpardonable.”
I gave th
- 英语学习 2018-06-07 关注:119
- This era这个时代
- The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings, but shorter tempers; wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints; we spend more, but have less;
- 英语学习 2018-06-07 关注:84
- You me you me彼此彼此
- 1.we two who and who? 咱俩谁跟谁阿
2.how are you ? how old are you? 怎么是你,怎么老是你?
3.you don't bird me,I don't bird you 你不鸟我,我也
- 英语学习 2018-06-07 关注:101
- Great love真爱
- Where there is great love, there arealways miracles.
Love is like a butterfly. It goes where it pleases and it pleases where i
- 英语学习 2018-06-06 关注:68
- The Most Distant Course最遥远的距离
- The furthest distance in the world
Is not between life and death
But when I stand in front of you
Yet you don't know that I love you
- 英语学习 2018-06-06 关注:81
- Say love will be forever诉永恒之爱
- where here is your heart?(心香何处)
hiding something you never mention.(未及心语深藏)
How to say love will be forever?(怎诉永恒之爱)
I just feel so much happ
- 英语学习 2018-06-06 关注:86
- Living for what为什么活着
- Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering o
- 英语学习 2018-06-06 关注:69
- Difficult problem难题所在
- I felt a moment of fear as Mortimer spoke these words.Holmes sat forward in his excitement,and his eyes showed he was very interested indeed.
'Why did nobo
- 英语学习 2018-06-06 关注:79
- Dear friend亲爱的人
- Tell me you are mine. I'll be yours through all the years, till the end of time.
Love is a fire which
- 英语学习 2018-06-06 关注:87
- The answer to the mystery疑团的答案
- Later,we went on to Sir Henry's hotel.He was pleased to see us,but rather angry because another of his shoes had disappeared.This time it was one shose of a
- 英语学习 2018-06-06 关注:94
- Hound Voice猎犬的叫声
- r Stapleton came to the Hall and met Sir Henry that same afternoon.The next morning he took us to the place where the evil Sir Hugo died.Then we had lunch at th
- 英语学习 2018-06-06 关注:85
- I hate him我恨他
- Ι told Sir Henry about Laura Lyons,and that I wanted to speak to her as soon as possible.Then I went to her house in Newtown.
A maid took me into the sitt
- 英语学习 2018-06-06 关注:77
- Mysterious observer神秘的监视者
- The following day was dull and foggy.The Hall was sur rounded by heavy,low clouds,which opened now and then to show the grim,cold moor and its wet,grey rocks.Th
- 英语学习 2018-06-06 关注:76
- How to find me?如何找到我的
- For a moment or two I could neither breathe nor move.
Then I felt my fear and unhappiness disappear,as I knew that I was no longer alone in my responsibility f
- 英语学习 2018-06-06 关注:82
- Rainy Sunday! 阴雨的星期天!
- A wet Sunday in a country inn ! Whoever has had the luck to experience one can alone judge of my situation. The rain pattered against the casements; the bells t
- 英语学习 2018-06-06 关注:89
- Taste the taste of water 品尝水的味道
- The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.
According to legend, a young man wh
- 英语学习 2018-06-06 关注:104
- Soul Vows灵魂誓言
- You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.
Prepare “sou
- 英语学习 2018-06-06 关注:83
- Stop and ask yourself停下来问自己
- What would you do if you only had a short time to live?
- 英语学习 2018-06-06 关注:72
- A basket of pepper一篮子辣椒
- 舍得舍得,能舍便有得。学会取舍实属一门智慧。文中的大师误把辣椒当水果,旁人劝告终不进耳。为了不浪费那两卢比,而执意要吃掉一篮子辣椒,可想而知后果如何。有些时候,
- 英语学习 2018-06-06 关注:81
- Accept the world 接受这世界
- 我们能让这世界变得更美好么?这句话本身就是一个错误的假设,认为这世界不好。反过来,我们应该说世界就是这样的,没有什么绝对的好与不好。这是我们选择的生活方式,也是
- 英语学习 2018-06-06 关注:84
- Immortal Beloved永远的爱人
- Henry VIII to Anne Boleyn亨利八世写给安妮·博林
King Henry VIII originally courted Anne Boleyn’s sister Mary, but it was Anne who caught the Engli
- 英语学习 2018-06-06 关注:99
- Don't give up your dream未放弃梦想
- 你在童年时代曾怀有过什么伟大的梦想吗?是否为此而做出过尝试与努力?其实,无论梦想是大是小,只要跟随自己的心,坚定地走下去,终会有所收获……
Keep You
- 英语学习 2018-06-06 关注:100
- The beginning of autumn 秋天开始
- 花园中的光影随季节而变化,在自然的天平上一边是树冠,一边是阳光。当树叶飘零,阳光便开始温柔地倾泻;而阳光日趋强烈之时,树冠就日渐繁华。
As I mourn the los
- 英语学习 2018-06-06 关注:114
- The lilacs 那束紫丁香花
- The family had just moved to Rhode Island, and the young woman was feeling a little melancholy on that Sunday in May. After all, it was Mother's Day -- and
- 英语学习 2018-06-06 关注:82
- Soul Garden心灵花园
- 《小飞侠彼得•潘》的作者巴里曾写道:“上帝给了我们记忆,所以我们在寒冷的十二月也有玫瑰。”一段段美好而难忘的记忆,就像一朵朵玫瑰,装点着我们心灵的
- 英语学习 2018-06-06 关注:84
- Climb mountain process difficult攀山过程艰辛
- “Thank you for your application. We would like to congratulate you,” the letter read. Those words can make your heart skip a beat and bring tears to
- 英语学习 2018-06-06 关注:80
- Guardian Angel守护天使
- In fact, everyone has an angel protecting himself forever.
If this angel feels that your life is full of pain and you a
- 英语学习 2018-06-06 关注:81
- Clear memory清晰的记忆
- Sunrise on the eastern coast is a special event. I stood at Dolphin’s Nose, a spur jutting out into the Bay of Bengal, to behold the breaking of the sun&r
- 英语学习 2018-06-06 关注:80
- Learn to control emotions学会控制情绪
- The tides advance; the tides recede. Winter goes and summer comes. summer wanes and the cold increases. The sun rises; the sun sets. The moon is full; the moon
- 英语学习 2018-06-06 关注:103
- My favorite grandma我最爱的奶奶
- We had moved from Cairo to Mt. Vernon, Illinois, away from my grandmother when I was eight years old. I missed her terribly. I was told I was her favorite grand
- 英语学习 2018-06-06 关注:116
- Beauty in the distance远方的美景
- No young man believes he shall ever die. It was a saying of my brother's, and a fine one. There is a feeling of Eternity in youth, which makes us amend for
- 英语学习 2018-06-06 关注:66
- Believe in the heart 相信热诚的心
- At the beginning of the World Series of 1947, I experienced a completely new emotion, when the National Anthem was played.This time, I thought, it is being play
- 英语学习 2018-06-06 关注:84
- Mother’s Hands妈妈的手
- Night after night, she came to tuck me in, even long after my childhood years. Following her longstanding custom, she'd lean down and push my long hair out
- 英语学习 2018-06-05 关注:94
- Coffee in the cup杯中的咖啡
- A group of graduates got together to visit their old university professor.
The conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life. Offering
- 英语学习 2018-06-05 关注:79
- A bit of happiness幸福的点滴
- 生活中有许多幸福的片断,只是我们经常忽视。两个人的相处需要无尽的包容,当生气的时候,多想想对方的好,想想幸福的点滴,一切困难都算不了什么。
A man and his girlfr
- 英语学习 2018-06-05 关注:81
- The old mother母亲的旧物
- 母亲去世后,我开始爱上了逛旧货市场。我喜欢在听过的CD、穿过的牛仔裤、围过的丝巾中探寻它们主人曾经的故事,似乎这么一来,这些物品以前见证过的欢笑或是感动就能得以延
- 英语学习 2018-06-05 关注:88
- You are my only sunshine
- “你是我的阳光,惟一的阳光,当天空灰暗时你能使我快乐……”伴随着小男孩稚嫩清澈的歌声,病床上的女婴有了反应,呼吸也变得均匀而平稳了。
- 英语学习 2018-06-05 关注:102
- A small idea小小的想法
- What happened to that brilliant idea that you once had? Did you ignore it because you thought that it was just a little thought?
- 英语学习 2018-06-05 关注:86
- 30 years of truth30岁的道理
- Marc刚过完他的30岁生日,并分享了他近几年刚刚明白的30个道理。
These are simple lessons about life in general that he picked up while traveling, living in differ
- 英语学习 2018-06-05 关注:78
- Kindness is just an illusion
- 我很气愤,难道这才是真实的的商人之间的关系?难道商场中的人都残酷且无情?友善不过是我的幻觉,只有傻瓜才会相信人与人之间的信任……
It's never goo
- 英语学习 2018-06-05 关注:81
- 强迫自己独立
- 我甚至孤身一人住在离家几英里远的城市,强迫自己独立,一切都由自己动手。但把我放在船上等于剥夺了我所获得的一切,而我不想让自己感到懦弱无助。
Charles saw them bot
- 英语学习 2018-06-05 关注:97
- Another way to live换一种活法
- 可是我们终究会认识到人生的旅途中并没有车站, 也没有能够“一到永逸”的地方!生活的真正乐趣在于旅行的过程,而车站不过是个梦,它始终遥遥领先于我们!
- 英语学习 2018-06-05 关注:85
- An envelope一个信封
- 岁月在一刻不停地溜走,记忆在点点滴滴间收藏。不经意间打开的一只盒子,装的原来全是温馨的过往。那不仅是一个孩子成长的痕迹,更是一个母亲幸福的回忆……
- 英语学习 2018-06-05 关注:125
- Enjoy now享受现在
- 可是我们终究会认识到人生的旅途中并没有车站, 也没有能够“一到永逸”的地方!生活的真正乐趣在于旅行的过程,而车站不过是个梦,它始终遥遥领先于我们!
- 英语学习 2018-06-05 关注:100
- 与朋友分开并没有那么糟
- 虽然伊丽莎白远在千里之外,我只能偶尔见到她,但是我们所拥有的“永远是朋友”的相框和挂盒能帮助我们弥补彼此的思念之情。
- 英语学习 2018-06-05 关注:87
- 没有时间做自己的事?
- 你是否觉得每天都忙忙碌碌、疲于奔命却发现没有时间做自己想做的事?你是否觉得每天就像和时间赛跑,却没有时间体会生命的美好?如果是这样,这篇文章会告诉你如何才能不匆
- 英语学习 2018-06-05 关注:90
- 不要贬低自己
- Love People In All Kinds Of Weather 爱不论晴雨
Make sure your love is unconditional. Make sure you love people in all kinds of "weather". Or else what is t
- 英语学习 2018-06-05 关注:168
- tourist和traveller的区别
- 趁假期出门远游真是个放松身心,又可以开拓视野的好方法。但你仔细思考过tourist和traveller的区别吗?自己又是哪一类呢?
Are you a tourist, or a traveller?
And more
- 英语学习 2018-06-05 关注:294
- Enjoy working享受工作
- Happiness at Work
If you are a relatively junior employee at your company, though you carry out a very important role, you may not always be recognised. You mi
- 英语学习 2018-06-05 关注:129
- Romantic way浪漫路
- “哎呀,老天爷——你就从来没到这个车站来过?”他指向杂志摊。“我一直就在那儿。那个摊儿是我的。我看过每个上楼的人。”
- 英语学习 2018-06-05 关注:79
- Walk the strange road走陌生的路
- 1.一个人总要走陌生的路,看陌生的风景,听陌生的歌,然后在某个不经意的瞬间,你会发现,原本是费尽心机想要忘记的事情真的就那么忘记了。
1. One is always on a strang
- 英语学习 2018-06-05 关注:86
- 生命过程中的小小过客
- When he told me he was leaving I felt like a vase which has just smashed. There were pieces of me all over the tidy, tan tiles. He kept talking, telling me why
- 英语学习 2018-06-05 关注:89
- Everybody Has A Dream每个人都有梦想
- Everybody Has A Dream —by Virginia Satir
Some years ago I took on an assignment in a southern county to work with people on public welfare. What I w
- 英语学习 2018-06-05 关注:108
- 生命之笔
- Suppose someone gave you a pen—a sealed, solid-colored pen. You couldn’t see how much ink it had. It might run dry after the first few tentative wo
- 英语学习 2018-06-05 关注:95