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吸烟有害他人自由 Smoking Hurts Others’ Freedom

Though smoking has been banned in public places inmany cities, many people are still addicted to smoking, especially youngpeople. Some smokers seem to have “quite convincing” reasons for theircontinuing to smoke. They claim if smoking is forbidden in public places, itwill infringe upon their personal freedom and human rights.


But these smokers should know that they are notentitled to the freedom to smoke, which infringes upon non-smokers’ freedom tobreathe clean and fresh air in public places. Unfortunately, these smokers makenon-smokers victims of their bad habit. Some smokers ignore health problems andstress that the smoking ban will endanger the local economies. In their words,tobacco industry means money and millions of jobs. Indeed, tobacco industry, onthe one hand, collects a large amount of revenue every year and helps developlocal economies; on the other hand, they make people victims of lung cancer andother fatal diseases. Have they ever thought of the direct medical costs ontreating smoking-related diseases?


It is reported that the US Government has adopted evenmore severe measures to control the development of its tobacco industry. Havinga hard time at home, some US tobacco companies are sparing no effort in findingtheir way into China, which has the world’s largestnumber of smokers. In modernChina,opium brought by British imperialists brought great suffering to Chinesepeople, who were then called “sick men ofEast Asia”.Have we forgotten this bitter experience? Is tobacco revenue so dear orsmokers’ freedom so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of the health andlife of our people?

    作者:华体会体育2串1 来源:华体会体育2串1
    发布时间:2023-05-15 浏览:
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