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The Advantages and Disadvantages of Part-time Job

Nowadays, part-time job has become a hot topic in ourlife, especially among college students. A large number of people do one orseveral part-time jobs even though they have their full-time one. As far as Iam concerned, part-time job has both advantages and disadvantages.

In the first place, doing a part-time job is a goodchoice to increase our extra income. This is the most important reason thatpeople choose to do it. Second, it is an essential way to collect ourexperience in different fields. By taking various part-time jobs, we canexperience different situation and learn various knowledge, and then improveour ability of solving problem. These will provide something useful for ourfuture career. In addition, taking part-time job will be good for finding anddeveloping our interest, especially for those who have no idea for theirinterest and future career direction.

However, taking part-time job also has itsdisadvantages. For example, those people have to share their attention andenergy to different jobs and can’t concentrate on their full-time job if theytake a part-time one.

Taking above into consideration, I advocate that weshould balance our energy and attention between the part-time job and thefull-time one so that we can display our best ability in different jobs.
    作者: 来源:
    发布时间:2023-06-23 浏览:
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