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Over Tourism Brings Harm to the Environment

Inrecent years, tourism has been popular and played an important role in ournation’s economic growth. However, I am afraid that if tourism develops over,it will bring harm to the environment and give rise to many problems.


Thereare a few reasons accounting for my views and I would like to list three ofthem. One of the examples is that a large number of woods and other plants werereplaced by all kinds of accommodation facilities or scenic spots. Thatdefinitely breaks the ecological balance of these areas and destroys thenatural beauty of the scenic spots. Worse still, more pressure has been placedenvironment protection in that many tourists left their garbage in the scenicspots. In addition, over-developed tourism will occupy large numbers offarmland and lead to the shortage of the land.


Ina word, tourism will be harmful to our environment if it is over development.Thus, I do not advocate that we development tourism without considering theenvironment. And we should keep the balance between tourism development andenvironment protection so that we can achieve the sustainable developmentbetween our nation’s economy and the environment.

    作者: 来源:
    发布时间:2023-06-26 浏览:
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