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关于地球一小时 Earth Hour的英语日记

注意:1 100词左右
2 适当增加细节
3 格式以写好,不计入总次数
参考词汇:地球一小时:Earth Hour 二氧化碳排放:CO2 emission

Today is Saturday. Today is very strange, very special, because when I go online today, an unexpectedly found a note, tonight at 8-9: to earth hour, really depressed.

Then after I know detailed understanding of earth hour is what meaning, which requires us out all the unnecessary lighting, achieve energy conservation and emission reduction, global warming, improve the environment effect. Really is a joke.

To improve the earth - our homes and not so easy. An hour out unwanted light can achieve? Not that things are not so simple. Want to save our beautiful home, must pay more attention to the ecological environment and save the earth is not a moment to achieve,.


I hope some and some of our homeland enterprises can give their hand.

    作者: 来源:
    发布时间:2023-06-29 浏览:
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