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The Reasons for the Craze of Pursuing Graduate Studies

In recent years, the number of taking partin graduate examination in our country has increased continuously. According tothe register data from the whole country, experts predict that the number of theregister for graduate examination will be near 180 0000. However, why so manystudents go to pursue graduate studies?


Many reasons can account for this. In thefirst place, the pressure of the employment is one of the most important reasons.For one thing, many students tend to improve their competitive ability so thatthey can be easier to get an ideal job in the future. For another, somestudents can not find a job anywhere and they have to continue to take upadvanced studies to improve themselves. For this reasons, those who have faithto achieve their goals always have more initiative than others in theirstudies.


In the second place, most employers thinkhighly of academic qualification. The demand of academic qualification has alsobeen important in hunting job. Many undergraduate students want to achieve ahigher academic qualification by pursuing graduate studies so that they havemore chances to choose their jobs.


Last but not the least, many undergraduatestudents pursue graduate studies just because they want to improve their socialstatus. By pursuing graduate studies, they can get the chance to be a member ofcivil servants or political department and get high salary as well as get ahigher social status.


In a word, the reasons for the craze ofpursuing graduate studies are complex and various. As far as I am concern, to learnmore knowledge is a good thing, but we should take our actual situation intoconsideration so that we can achieve our value much better.

总之,研究生求学热的原因复杂多样。在我 看来,学习更多知识是件好事,但是我们应该考虑到实际情况,这样我们才能更好地实现我们的价值。
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    发布时间:2023-06-29 浏览:
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