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How to Solve the Problem of Heavy Traffic

The urban traffic is getting increasingly crowded nowadays in China. The roads are packed with cars, bicycles and pedestrians and traffic jams,bus delays and traffic accidents are a common scene. Then how to solve this prohlem? Some suggest to lay down more roads to make the traffic less crowded and speed up the flow of traffic. Others believe that we should open up more public bus routes, so that more people will take the public buses instead of travelling by cars and bicycles.
Though the above two views sound reasonable, they have their own drawbacks. The former may take up much land which could be used for farms and houses. The latter may cause inconvenience for those who are used to travelling by car or bicycle. I think the best answer to the traffic prohlem is a comhlnatlon of the two. More roads can he hulh to hold more traffic and meanwhile more puhllc bus routes can he opened up to those who prefer to use the public transportation.
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    发布时间:2023-09-26 浏览:
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