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选择合适的职业Choosing the Right Career

Choosing the Right Career
It is very important to choose a right career. A right choice usually leads to success and happiness, while a wrong one often brings about failure and disappointment. Therefore, we must get ourselves well prepared so that a right choice can be made when needed.

If I am to choose a career, my principles are as follows. First of all, it should be a real service to my fellowmen and not merely enable me to earn a living. Seondly, it should offer scope for creativity and imagination because I want to live a rich or meaningful life. Finally, it should provide me with opportunities and challenges, engaging my interest and allowing me to develop my abilities.

There are many professions for me to choose from: teaching, newspaper work, research on social science and so on. Among them, the work of a reporter may suit me most, because it is an exciting job and is full of challenges.

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    发布时间:2023-09-26 浏览:
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