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Preperation for Interview

Ifyou want to get a good job, you should make some preparations. Success alwaysbelongs to those who are well prepared. What should you do and how to preparefor the job hunting? Here’s how:


Doyour homework. Check the company’s Web site, stock performance, annual report.Be familiar with its product and services. One employer reports that he isturned off by candidates who do not know the most basic facts about thecompany. If you were not bothered to prepare for an interview, it would raiseserious questions about how well you will perform on the job.


Haveyour questions ready. At some points the interviewer will ask if you had anyquestions. Take advantage of that opportunity to find out anything you canabout the job. You can also use this time to introduce any of yourqualifications that haven’t come up yet in the interview.


Dressright. Even if the company is a “casual operation”, you can never go wrong ifyou wear a suit to the interview. Take it easy on the jewelry and makeup.


Useyour head. There are lots of ways to blow an interview. One candidate answers acell phone during his interview. Guess whether he can get the job or not.


Beready for the interviewer’s questions. Here are some frequently askedquestions:


Whatare your long-range career goals?


Whydo you choose the career you are preparing for?


Whatis your greatest strength?


Whatis your greatest weakness?


Tellme about yourself?


Howhas your education prepared you for your career?


Inwhat ways do you think you could make a contribution to our company?


Whattwo or three accomplishments in your life are you the most proud of?


Whatextracurricular activities have you participated in? What have you learned fromthem?


Whyare seeking a job with this company?


Describea mistake you have made and what you learn from it.

描述一下你所犯过的一个错误,你从中学到了什么 。

Whyshould we hire you?

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    发布时间:2023-10-19 浏览:
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