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Can Online Course replace Traditional Course?

Since its rise, the internet has been playinga more and more important role in our daily life. From news and informationbrowsing to online entertainment, the tremendous convenience and efficiencybrought by internet is amazing. Thus, online course, as a part of internetutilization, has become a popular means of learning for many netizens.


Itis developing so fast, and the effects are so marvelous that many peoplebelieve that it will replace traditional course. In the first place, onlinecourse is much cheaper than traditional one, people will not have to pay a bigamount tuition fee, and the learning content is as splendid as traditional one.In the second place, online course is more convenience and flexibility. Thisvantage is beneficial to office people. They want to constantly improvethemself, but they need to work in daytime. Online course provide them a goodchance to study whenever they want. In the third place, if students want tolearn a higher education, they need to pass lots of exams, which means moretime, energy and money. To the contrary, if the Yale and Harvard Universityoffer open course for free, who would say no to it?


According to the points above, the potential of online course is so hugethat will certainly take a great share of the study way. But online coursestill needs some improvements to totally replace the traditional course.

    作者: 来源:
    发布时间:2023-10-21 浏览:
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