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The Importance of Mutual Understanding

The world is full of diversity, the people belong to different culture, language and faith, they represent numerous tradition, custom and value, it is easier to perceive that people are different than they are the similar. So achieving mutual understanding is not just a matter of importance, but also of necessity.


On the one hand, mutual understanding is the basis of building friendships and relationships. Only the two sides of people understand each other, can they put away the difference and cooperate with each other. Difference exists all the time, but sometimes people need to reach the agreement, making things work efficiently, if each of them understand each other and are willing to making agreement, it will be good for them to keep the long-term cooperate relationship.

On the other hand, mutual understanding can make people avoid conflicts. It is impossible for people to agree with the others all the time, they have different cultures, so they will deal with things in different ways, maybe some will against the other’s way. At this moment, we need to respect people’s religion, never argue with them, just to avoid conflicts.

In conclusion, we should share each other’s culture and tradition, so we can come to mutual understand, making things work better and create a harmonious world.
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    发布时间:2023-10-23 浏览:
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