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Responsibility is a valuable quality, most people lose it when they chase for fame and reputation. Without responsibility, there will be no trust between people, in that case, there is no way to build a harmonious society. On my opinion, everyone should be responsible to themselves, at the same time, they need to responsible to others, too.

On the one hand, people should be responsible to themselves. We need to take care of our own physical safety and emotional wellbeing, in this way, we can make ourselves live happily. Some people become frustrated when they meet setbacks, they just give up themselves, hurting their bodies. This is very irresponsible to themselves, one shall be good to himself, so he can take let others happy.

On the other hand, besides taking care of ourselves, we must also learn how to show responsibility to others. There was a news about a bus driver, he died of heart attack when he was driving a bus, he let the bus stopped at the sidewalk and then died. The bus driver shows us what is responsibility to others, he saved many people’s lives. Our responsibility to others helps us win people’s respect.

In conclusion, responsibility is of great importance, we should not only be responsible to ourselves, but also to others, we can create a harmonious world.
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    发布时间:2023-10-23 浏览:
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