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Traditional Chinese Medicine

TraditionalChinese Medicine is an indispensable part of Chinese culture. It has made greatcontributions to the prosperity of China. Nowadays, both Traditional ChineseMedicine and western medicine are being used to cure people all around theworld. The TCM, with its unique diagnostic methods, long history and remarkableeffects, have been used to treat cancer and other serious diseases. Unlike thewestern medicine, the TCM has fewer side effects.


According to thesurvey data, TMC is used by 75% of the areas in China and has been veryeffective in the treatment of diseases such as diabetes, liver cancer, tumors,and bone fracture and so on. Great successes have been made in many areasthrough TMC cure. As to acute abdomen, there is no need to have an operation;all you need to do is drink a cup of Chinese herbs,while thewestern way takes more time and money. You may even take the risk of beinginfected after operation.


Comparing withthe western medicine high fees, TMC has a more reasonable price that ordinarypeople can afford. I think in the future, TMC will be the mainstream in thehealth services in China. And our country should invest more money on thedevelopment on TMC; make sure is not going to fade away.

    作者: 来源:
    发布时间:2023-11-30 浏览:
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