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My Opinion On Cloning

Nowadays, the controversial issue of cloning has been in the limelight and has aroused wide concern in the public. It’s quite understandable that the views of this issue vary from person to person.

Some people are in favour of cloning, who firmly believe that scientists can bring the extinct animals back to life by cloning. It’s indisputable that cloning is a great process to produce quantities of commercial plants as well as new species of plants.

However, the cloning of the sheep Dolly attracted public’s attention but arouse a storm of objections. For instance, if heaps and heaps of evil leaders like Hillary attempt to clone themselves, a disaster will break out in the world. In addition, the objectors insist that cloning has a huge impact on genetic diversity.

As for me, I suggest that cloning plays an important role on improving our quality of life. Needless to say, that cloning is an effective access to cure serious illnesses that at present have no cure. What’s more, not only can cloning assist us to acquire unknown knowledge about the creature, but it also is a wonderful breakthrough. Thought now there are lots of questions about cloning, by no means should we give in to the unsolved problems.
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    发布时间:2023-12-01 浏览:
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