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Is it Better to Work in the big City?

Everyone needs to make choice sometimes.For most university graduates, they have difficulties in making choice for job.After all, not everyone is born and lives in the big city. For those studentswhose family is in the small town, they have to choose their working place. Towork in the big city or not? Different people have different opinions. In myopinion, every coin has two sides.


One the one hand, working in the city isfull of temptations. There are more enterprises, especially famous company inthe big city. It is certain that they will have more opportunities, which ismost young people wants. They have the chance to own a good place to show theirabilities, so that they can earn a promising future for themselves. However, ifthey work in the small town, they may not have such opportunities. In mostcases, big city is a better place for fighting.


On the other hand, working in the big cityalso has its disadvantages. With the increasing force competition of the society,people will have more stress living in it. For example, the increasing houseprice, product price, and the competition between the people in the sameindustry. But working in the small town will have less possibility to standthat kind of pressure. Their life will be more comfortable.


In conclusion, working in the big city hasadvantages and disadvantages. It depends on different people’s choice and theirlife purpose. I hope everybody can make their proper decision according totheir own situation.

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    发布时间:2023-12-08 浏览:
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