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My View on Private Tutoring

Recently, an investigation has caused heated debate among the society. The result of the investigation has showed that about 50% of students in cities have private tutors. Some people think it’s quite necessary to hire a tutor to help the students with their homework, while some people argue that hiring a tutor has more disadvantages than advantages.


Why private tutoring is so popular? Well, many parents, for different kinds of reason, did not have the chance to receive a good education. When their children have problems in their study, they become helpless. Turn to the tutors for help seems to be the only solution.


On the surface, hiring a tutor can help students to improve their marks, but in fact, it takes up too much time of the students’ time that they will have no time for rest and entertainment. They spend all their time on study, they don’t have time to do exercise or play outside. What’s more, some teachers are eager to help students to do well on the exams, offering unnecessary tasks for the students, in this case, the students burden will be very heavy to some degree. Thus, I think it’s not necessary to have private tutors.
    作者: 来源:
    发布时间:2023-12-08 浏览:
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