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Show More Concern About the Leftover Children

Leftover children have become a heavy topicnowadays because most parents of these children consider that to feed theirchildren well and to let them grow up health and safe in body are the mostimportant task.However,as a matter of fact, in addition to provide the basic needs for their children,parents should pay more attention to their children’s psychological needs andtheir education.


For one thing, parents who cannot accompanytheir children often need to pay more attention to their children’spsychological needs. Psychological health has a great effect on children’s healthygrowth. If children’s psychological needs cannot be satisfied, they would feeldisappointed and lonely and even do some extreme matters. Therefore, wheNPRoviding the basic needs of their lives, parents also need to show moreconcern about their children’s emotion and moods.


For another, education of leftover childrenis also quite important. It is quite common that children in the countryside seldomreceive higher-education. The poor condition of their family is one of the reasons,but parents’ ignorance of the education also account for it. A number ofparents in the countryside hold that children needn’t to receive education forsuch a long time, especially the girls. This kind of ignorance of educationmakes the whole level of education be lower in the countryside.

In my opinion, as the saying goes, “knowledgecan change our fate”, education is an effective way to change the future ofthose children. Therefore, enough attention should be given to the education ofleftover children.


All in all, in order to make those leftoverchildren grow up in health, we need to show more concern about theirpsychological needs and their education.

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    发布时间:2023-12-09 浏览: