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How to Learn a Language by Listening to the Radio


Did you ever study another language without feeling like you understood how it's really spoken? Would you like to get better at understanding speech in another language? One way to improve your listening skills and learn to understand native speakers when they speak at a normal rate is to listen to the radio in the language you're studying. Listening carefully can also help you improve your accent and fluency when you speak. Here's how to get the most out of your experience.


1.Find a radio station broadcasting in the language you are studying.


2.Try a few different stations until you find one(s) that seem to work best.


Skip the loudmouth DJs who probably don't make much sense even to those who do speak the language. For learning the language, you'll be better off if you can find a station that focuses more on things like news, weather, and call-in advice programs.


3.Set aside some time each day to listen.


Even if you only listen for five or ten minutes each day, you'll still be exposed to the language, and that's what you are trying to do.


4.Don't worry if you don't understand anything at first.


If you're only getting the occasional word, you're still getting something. Even if you don't understand a word, you're still hearing the intonation and rhythm, the sound and the flow of the language. As you progress, you'll get better at picking out words and interpreting their meanings as they flow past at the speed of speech. This intonation and rhythm is also part of the accent that you will develop.

刚开始你可能只能听懂零星的几个单词,但是你还是能学到些东西的。即使你一个单词都不懂也没关系,因为你在听语音语调和节奏,你在听语言的声音和旋律。随着你不断进步, 当单词以演讲的速度出现时,你会很快的把它从句子中挑出来并说出它的意思。语调和节奏也是口音中你会学到的东西。

5. Use any contextual clues available to you to begin to understand what you hear.


One place to start is to listen to things that repeat.

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    发布时间:2024-06-16 浏览:
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