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  苹果中国的《USB 电源适配器回收计划》中英文双语对照版:

  Recent reports have suggested that some counterfeit and third party adapters may not be designed properly and could result in safety issues. While not all third party adapters have an issue, we are announcing a USB Power Adapter Takeback Program to enable customers to acquire properly designed adapters。最近的报告表明,部分假冒和第三方适配器的设计可能不合理并会导致安全问题。尽管并非所有第三方适配器都存在问题,但是我们仍推出 USB 电源适配器回收计划来让客户获得设计合理的适配器。

  Customer safety is a top priority at Apple. That’s why all of our products — including USB power adapters for iPhone, iPad, and iPod — undergo rigorous testing for safety and reliability and are designed to meet government safety standards around the world.Apple 始终把用户的安全放在首位。这就是为什么我们的所有产品(包括 iPhone、iPad 和 iPod 的 USB 电源适配器)都要经过严格的安全性和可靠性测试并符合世界各地的政府安全标准。

  Starting August 16, 2013, if you have concerns about any of your USB power adapters, you can drop them off at an Apple Retail Store or at an Apple Authorized Service Provider. We will ensure that these adapters are disposed of in an environmentally friendly way。自 2013 年 8 月 9 日起在中国,如果您对所持有的任何 USB 电源适配器存有顾虑,可将其送到 Apple Store 零售店或 Apple 授权服务提供商处进行处理。我们将确保以环保方式处理这些适配器。USB 电源适配器回收计划将会自 2013 年 8 月 16 日起在全球其他地区推行。  If you need a replacement adapter to charge your iPhone, iPad, or iPod, we recommend getting an Apple USB power adapter. For a limited time, you can purchase one Apple USB power adapter at a special price — $10 USD or approximate equivalent in local currency. To qualify, you must turn in at least one USB power adapter and bring your iPhone, iPad, or iPod to an Apple Retail Store or participating Apple Authorized Service Provider for serial number validation. The special pricing on Apple USB power adapters is limited to one adapter for each iPhone, iPad, and iPod you own and is valid until October 18, 2013.如果您需要替换适配器来为 iPhone、iPad 或 iPod 充电,我们推荐购买 Apple USB 电源适配器。在限定的时段内,您能够以 68RMB(含增值税)的特价购买一个 Apple USB 电源适配器。要符合购买条件,您必须送交至少一个 USB 电源适配器并携带您的 iPhone、iPad 或 iPod 前往 Apple Store 零售店或相关 Apple 授权服务提供商处进行序列号验证。针对您持有的每个 iPhone、iPad 或 iPod,只限以特价购买一个 Apple USB 电源适配器,有效期至 2013 年 10 月 18 日。

  Note: Due to the complexity of testing required to detect an unsafe or counterfeit adapter, Apple Retail and Apple Authorized Service Providers cannot advise you on the authenticity or safety of your adapter. We are offering this special takeback program for any USB power adapter made for use with iPhone, iPad, and iPod for which you have concerns。注:由于检测不安全或假冒适配器所需测试的复杂性,因此 Apple Store 零售店和 Apple 授权服务提供商无法就您的适配器的真实性或安全性给出建议。我们推出的这项特别回收计划适用于搭配 iPhone、iPad 和 iPod 使用的任何 USB 电源适配器,只要您对其适配器存有顾虑即可参加。
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    发布时间:2024-06-18 浏览:
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