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 1. Keep it Covered and Clean保持清洁,不用就收起来。

  Dust and dirt are your worst nightmare. One of the best ways to keep your computer running over the long term is to keep it clean. Dust and pet hair can gum up the gears and cause issues in functioning. Remember to clean your computer and keep it covered when not in use to prevent dust and dirt from getting into the inner components. Use canned air to remove debris, especially from fans. If fans get clogged with too much dirt, they can slow down and not remove the heat from the computer, causing a melt down much earlier. Clean your screen with screen cleaner, never window cleaner, as the ammonia will dull the screen. Also, don’t eat food or place drinks next to your computer for the same reasons. One accident can have serious consequences。灰尘污垢是头号劲敌。要想延长电脑寿命,首先必须保持电脑清洁。灰尘和宠物毛发容易堵塞齿轮,造成运行故障。应该经常清理电脑,不用时要收起来,以免灰尘污垢进入内部零件。可以用罐式空气喷雾清理杂质,尤其是风扇位置;风扇积尘太多的话,运行速度就会变慢,进而无法正常散发热量,早晚会造成电脑瘫痪。请用专门的屏幕清洁剂擦拭屏幕,那种窗户清洁剂会使屏幕变花。另外,也别对着电脑吃东西或把饮料放在旁边,否则一旦失手后果不堪设想。

  2. Keep it Cool保持电脑凉爽

  Heat also causes many issues. Your CPU and graphics card can get so hot, they can cook. The computer generates heat when it’s running. When you combine that with ambient room temperature, your computer works harder and slows down. Try to put your computer in a clean room that stays cool and out of the sun. Provide proper air flow and don’t place anything in front of the fans on your PC. Again, clean your CPU fans to ensure they run smoothly and move heat out of the computer. You can also add extra fans to your PC or use a cooling stand for your laptop。热量会引发各种问题,CPU和显卡有时会热得烫手。电脑运行时会散发热量,如果电脑温度高于周围室温,那么电脑运行就变得困难且缓慢。尽量在干净清凉避光的环境下用电脑,保持室内通风,风扇周围不要放置任何东西。再次强调,一定要清理CPU风扇,这样才能保证电脑正常运行和散热。当然,你也可以选择为电脑配置专门的散热器。

  3. Keep it Current保持更新

  While those updates may seem like a pain when you’re trying to get work done, they are necessary maintenance for your system. If you have a PC, you will need to do defrag and disk clean up manually (at least once per month). You can set it to run during the night so it doesn’t interfere with your work. Also, if you have a PC, keep your antivirus software updated。虽然那些时不时冒出来的更新提醒常让人心烦,但却是维护系统的必经程序。如果你用的是笔记本,那应该自己定期清理磁盘文件(至少每月一次);要是怕影响工作,可以在晚上清理。此外,笔记本电脑一定要保证杀毒软件的更新。

  4. Don’t Jostle It切勿碰撞

  While the computer is running, it’s a good idea not to move it. If you have a laptop, remember not to jostle or move it more than needed. Be gentle. Too much movement can damage the moving pieces and cause issue later. Also, if you have a laptop, hold it at it’s base, never by the screen, and use both hands. When traveling with a laptop, invest in a padded case。电脑运行时最好不要随意搬动,尤其是笔记本电脑,除非是迫不得已,否则不要随便移来动去。电脑也要温柔呵护。经常搬动会损坏部件,埋下问题陷阱。而且,使用笔记本时应该托住底部,而不是抓着屏幕。带笔记本出行必须要有电脑包。

  5. Make Sure You Have Enough RAM and Hard Drive Space确保足够内存和硬盘空间

  Your RAM (random access memory used for active programs) and your hard drive (used for things you store like videos, documents, and pictures) should be at the right levels to meet your needs. If you got a good deal on a computer, it’s likely they gave you the bare minimum of memory and hard drive space. You can upgrade memory fairly easily, and your computer will run faster and last longer。电脑内存(用于活动程序的随机存储器)和硬盘(用于储存视频、文档及图片等资料)的使用应该恰如其分。如果东西太多,那么记忆和硬盘空间就变得有限。升级内存很容易,升级完后电脑会运行得又快又好。

  6. Solid State Drives Are an Affordable Upgrade to Increase Longevity使用固态硬盘延长电脑寿命

  One of the best ways to refresh a computer and lengthen its life is to replace the hard drive with a solid state drive. The new solid state drives are becoming more affordable now. They have no moving parts and run much cooler than standard disk drives. They also will increase your start-up speed, and you will notice a must faster response in your computer overall。更新并延长电脑寿命的一个方法就是用固态硬盘代替硬盘。现在最新的固态硬盘也贵不到哪儿去。固态硬盘没有运行零件,没有标准硬盘那样的散热负担;而且,固态硬盘还能提高开机速度,电脑的整体反应也会快得多。

  7. Don’t Treat Your Computer Like a Light Switch切忌频繁开关电脑  Unless you have to keep your computer running all the time, you may want to turn your computer off when not in use to save on power costs. Turning it off once per day (like at night) is fine. However, continually powering it on and off multiple times per day stresses the components as you are changing the temperature inside the system, causing the hardware to contract and expand. Try to limit this stress. Your system will last longer。除非你不得不一直使用电脑,为了省电,不用时会关掉它,比如一天结束时一次性关掉。如果一天当中过于频繁地开关电脑,零部件就必须不断调整系统内部温度,硬盘也相应不断热胀冷缩,结果反倒增加电脑负担。尽量减少这类负担,电脑才能使用得更长久。

  Just like a car, when you perform routine maintenance and treat your computer with care, you will most likely squeeze a few extra years out of the system. When you consider the cost of computers, it makes sense to invest in a few additional efforts to stretch your money farther and gain additional quality and quantity from your system。电脑跟车一样,若小心使用、加以定期维护,就能延长系统使用寿命。想想买一台电脑的成本,那么平时多加注意、略加投资进行质量维护也还是值得的!
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    发布时间:2024-06-18 浏览:
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  • It is difficult for people to achieve professionalsuccess without sacrificing important aspects of afulfilling personal life.
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