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 If Zachary Quinto appeared on "The Big Bang Theory," our whole universe would be in a hot dense state. 如果扎克瑞·昆图出现在《生活大爆炸》里,那我们的宇宙真要“又烫又稠密”了。

  "I met one of the producers at an event and we talked about the show," the actor, who plays "Star Trek's" Spock in the rebooted movie franchise, confirmed to TODAY.com. "I would love to do it if I could."在《星际迷航》中扮演史波克一角的扎克瑞·昆图日前向TODAY. com证实:“我之前在活动中见过其中一位制片人,我们还谈到了这部剧,如果可以客串的话,我很乐意。”

  And "Big Bang" would love to have him. Executive producer Steven Molaro told TODAY.com, "We think that's great. There's nothing set in stone yet, but if we can get that to work out we'd be really excited about it."《生活大爆炸》也很乐意接受这位演员。执行制片史蒂文·莫拉罗告诉TODAY.com,“我们觉得棒极了。虽然还没有确定,但如果能得以实现的话,我们将会非常开心。”  If they do manage to make it so, Quinto would prefer not to follow in the Vulcan footsteps of Leonard Nimoy, who voiced a Spock action figure in the 2012 episode "The Transporter Malfunction."2012年在《生活大爆炸》第五季“传送门失灵”一集中,纳德·尼莫伊以史波克的角色身份献声,不过昆图则更喜欢别的客串方式。

  Instead, like fellow "Trek" franchise star Wil Wheaton's own hot-tempered recurring role, Quinto said he'd rather play "some twisted version of myself — really get into it with Sheldon."相反,昆图说自己更愿意扮演“扭曲版的自己——和谢耳朵来一场对手戏。” 就像《星际迷航》合作演员威尔·惠顿一样,出演循环角色。

  In a season five episode of "Big Bang," Sheldon, who was expecting a life-size cutout of Nimoy's Spock but received Quinto's apparently inferior version instead, griped, "Live long and suck it, Zachary Quinto!"在《生活大爆炸》第五季的一集中,谢耳朵原本期待着尼莫伊版史波克的巨型人像,结果收到的却是昆图的低级版本时,他大叫道:“生生不息,早日去死,扎克瑞·昆图!”

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    发布时间:2024-06-18 浏览: