And treated as a Québec diploma:
a Canadian diploma (if it is issued by the minister responsible for education or by a university of a Canadian province or territory);
a foreign diploma recognized as equivalent by a Québec regulatory body, except if it is a medical diploma;
a foreign diploma or training leading to the practice of a regulated profession or trade in Québec, if you have already received authorization to practise this occupation in Québec;
a training certificate that falls under a Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) concluded within the framework of a mutual recognition agreement regarding professional qualifications with another government, for the practice of a profession governed by a professional order in Québec. You must possess the legal ability to practise required under this arrangement and this arrangement must have been implemented. Note that France is the only country with which such an agreement has been concluded. Make sure you meet the conditions set out under the MRA for your profession so that your training certificate can be treated as a Québec diploma (in French);
a foreign diploma or training that falls under an MRA that allows for the practice of a regulated occupation in Québec, if the Québec regulatory body attests that you meet the required training conditions and, if applicable, the professional experience required to practise this occupation (in French).
- 盘点说英语最难听的国家
- 一段央视记者采访赞比亚发展署总监安德鲁的视频在微博迅速走红,视频中男记者操着一口流利的“中国方言式英语”和赞比亚官员对答。
- 10-28 关注:0
- 加拿大魁省政府官方链接
- And treated as a Québec diploma:
- 10-28 关注:0
- 机场报关实用英语
- May I see your passport, please?
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- 剑桥少儿英语历史沿革与学习系统划分
- 《剑桥少儿英语》是英国剑桥大学考试委员会专门为非英语母语国家少年儿童设计的、让学生快速掌握英语实际运用能力的英语学习系统。
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- 最伤父母心的7句冷暴力口语
- OK,I see. Would you please stop nagging me?
- 10-28 关注:0
- 你敢吗?
- 生命在于运动,知识在于积累。积累越多,用处越多。下面是关于英语的100个短语,你几天能完成呢?
- 10-26 关注:3
- 公共英语写作
- 图画写作就是通过图画提供的图象信息写一篇短文,包括叙述一故事,或通过几幅相关的图画说明某个问题或得出结论。
- 10-26 关注:2