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我的座位在那里­ Where is my seat­

我能将手提行李放在这儿吗­ Can I put my baggage here ­

是否可替我更换座位­ Could you change my seat, please­

我是否可将座位向后倾倒­(向后座的乘客说) May I recline my seat­

我是否可抽烟­ May I smoke­

需要什么饮料吗­ What kind of drinks do you have­

机上提供那些饮料­ What kind of drinks do you have­

咖啡、茶、果汁、可乐、啤酒和调酒。We have coffee, tea, juice, coke, beer and cocktails.

晚餐想吃牛肉、鸡肉或是鱼­ Which would you like for dinner, beef, chicken or fish­

请给我加水威士忌。Scotch and water, please.

请给我牛肉。Beef, please.

我觉得有些冷(热)。I feel cold (hot).

请给我一个枕头和毛毯。May I have a pillow and a blanket, please­

机上有中文报纸或杂志吗­ Do you have any Chinese newspapers (magazines)­

我觉得有些不舒服,是否可给我一些药­ I feel a little sick, Can I have some medicine­

还有多久到达伦敦­ How much longer does it take to get to London­

这班班机会准时到达吗­ Will this flight get there on time­

我担心能否赶上转机班机。 I’m anxious about my connecting flight.

请告诉我如何填写这张表格­ Could you tell me how to fill in this form­

―― 行 李 遗 失 ――我在何处可取得行李­ Where can I get my baggage­

我找不到我的行李。 I can’t find my baggage.

这是我的行李票。 Here is my claim tag.

是否可麻烦紧急查询­ Could you please check it urgently­

你总共遗失了几件行李­ How many pieces of baggage have you lost­

请描述你的行李。 Can you describe your baggage­

它是一个中型的灰色绅耐特皮箱。 It is a medium-sized Samsonite, and it’s gray.


It is a large leather suitcase with my name tag. It’s dark blue.

它是一个茶色小旅行袋。 It’s a small ovemight bag. It’s light brown.

我们正在调查,请稍等一下。 Please wait for a moment while we are investigating.

我们可能遗失了几件行李,所以必 须填份行李遗失报告。

We may have lost some baggage so we’d like to make a lost baggage report.

请和我到办公室。 Would you come with me to the office­

多快可找到­ How soon will I find out­

一旦找到行李,请立即送到我停留的饭店。Please deliver the baggage to my hotel as soon as you’ve located it.

若是今天无法找到行李,你如何帮我­ How can you help me if you can’t find my baggage today­

我想要购买过夜所需的用品。 I’d like to purchase what I need for the night.

―― 入境英语 ――麻烦请给我你的护照。 May I see your passport, please­

这是我的护照。 Here is my passport / Here it is.

旅行的目的为何­ What’s the purpose of your visit­

观光(公务、学习)。 Sightseeing (Business、Study).

在哪个学校?Which University­

学习什么课程?What course will you take­

预计在英国停留多久­ How long will you be staying in the UK­

预计停留约1年。 I plan to stay for about 1 year.

我只是过境而已。 I’m just passing through.

今晚即动身前往日内瓦。 I am leaving for Geneva tonight.

将在那儿住宿­ Where are you staying­

我将住在学校公寓。 I will stay at on campus.
随身携带多少现金­ How much money do you have with you­

大约8000英镑。 I have 8000 pounds.

祝你玩得愉快。 Good. Have a nice day.
    作者:华体会体育2串1     来源:华体会体育2串1
    发布时间:2024-10-28    阅读:
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