半导体器械厂 Semi-Conductor Apparatus1 Plant
包装材料厂 Packaging Materials Plant
保温瓶厂 Thermos2 Flask3 Factory
炼钢厂 Steel Works
被单厂 Bedsheet Factory
变压器厂 Transformer factory
玻璃制品厂 Glassware Factory
茶厂 Tea Processing Factory
柴油机厂 Diesel4 Engine Plant
汽车制造厂 Railway Car Plant
船舶修造厂 Ship Repair Yar
灯具厂 Lighting5 Equipment Factory
低压开关厂 Low-Voltage Switch Factory
汽车制造厂 Automobile6 Works
发电厂 Power Plant
电动工具厂 Electric Tool Works
电机厂 Electrical Machinery7 Plant
电讯器材厂 Telecommunication8 Apparatus Factory
电子管厂 Electronic Tube Factory
电子设施厂 Electronic Equipment Factory
铸造厂 Foundry Works
纺织机械厂 Textile Machinery Plant
服饰厂 Garment Factory
皮革制品厂 Leather Goods Factory
罐头食品厂 Canned Food Plant
光学仪器厂 Optical Instrument Factory
广播器材厂 Broadcasting Equipment Factory
锅炉厂 Boiler9 Factory
化肥厂 Chemical Fertilizer Plant
化工厂 Chemical Works
化学纤维厂 Chemical Fiber10 Plant
化妆品厂 cosplaymetics11 Plant
机床厂 Machine Tools Plant
机械维修厂 Machine Repair Plant
建筑机械厂 Construction Machinery Plant
金属工艺制品厂 metal Handicraft Plant
晶体管厂 Transistor12 Factory
绝缘材料厂 Insulating Materials Plant
民族乐器厂 Folk Music Instrument Factory
炼油厂 Oil Refinery13
粮油加工厂 Grain and Cooking Oil Processing Factory
- 英语里最奇怪的24个词
- There is no egg ineggplant nor ham inhamburger, neither apple nor pine inpineapple。
- 12-07 关注:0
- 英语词语-旅游翻译词语
- 旅游景点 tourist attraction;tourist destination;scenic spot;places of tourist attraction
- 12-06 关注:2
- 完成时语义
- The appreciation of traditional oral American Indian literature has been limited, hampered by poor translations.
- 12-06 关注:3