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避免任何具有负面意义的说话型态,尤其应根除吹毛求疵、闲言闲语或中伤他人名誉的行为,这些行为会使你的思想 朝向消极面发展。
Abstain from negative conversation,especially carping,gossip,or tearing apart other people's reputations.These activities condition your mind to think negatively.
锻炼你的思想,使它能够导引你的命运朝着你希望的方向发展,把握住“报酬”信封里的每一项利益,并将它们据 为已有。
Discipline your mind to shape your destiny toward whatever purpose in life you have chosen.Seize every one of the benefits in the reward envelope and make them yours.
Be yourself at all times.Neitherh yo nor anyone else trusts a phony.
Believe in existence of Infinite Intelligence,which makes it possible for you to draw on all the power you need to take possession of your own mind and direct it toward whatever you choose.
相信你所拥有的解放自己并使自己具备自决意识的能力,并借着这种信心作为行事基础将它应用到工作上,现在就 开始做!
Believe in you ability to become free and self-determining,and put that belief to work by acting upon it.Do it now!
Believe that the American form of government guarantees you the freedom and privileges necessary to pursue your definite major purpose.Work to defend those freedoms as needed.
信任和你共事的人,并承认如果和你共事的人不值得你 信任时,就表示你选错人了。
Believe in the people you are associated with,and recognize that if they are not worthy of your belief,you have the wrong associates.
最后连续6个月每周阅读本章一次。6个月之后你将会 脱胎换骨。当你学会本章所要求的良好习惯并且调适好你的 思想之后,你的心态便会随时处于积极状态。
And finally:read this lesson once a week for six months.You will so thoroughly indoctrinate yourself with these habits and mind conditioners that your mental attitude will become and remain positive at all times.
    作者:华体会体育2串1 来源:华体会体育2串1
    发布时间:2018-05-10 浏览:
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