- 一个六级考试真题的疑惑
- But this is a real-life argument before a Supreme Court that has a well-earned reputation for looking out for the interests of large corporations.
- 2024-11-28 关注:20
- 多重定语从句的省略问题
- 这个多重定语从句为什么在shelf后面没that?句意是她会扔她不认得的书架上的那六七本书呀
- 2024-11-28 关注:16
- 句式剖析
- A special code is needed to override the time lock.
- 2024-11-28 关注:28
- 语序与句式剖析
- Humdrum days flow like water through my fingers as I go on daily trips to and from work
- 2024-11-27 关注:18
- 语法问题
- Andanothermystery-someoftheseunrealisticanimals-thatsintheengravings-seemtobehalfhuman.
- 2024-11-27 关注:59
- 名词后的 before 从句怎么样剖析
- The summer before I went off to college, Mom stood me in her usual spot behind the ironing board and said
- 2024-11-27 关注:20
- as...as有关问题及句子成分剖析
- 你好,我想请教Almost as many boys reported dieting as girls and many of the children surveyed said they were already dissatisfied with their body shape.
- 2024-11-27 关注:7
- 这里的historical后面缺成分吗
- That view represents a significant shift from the historical—which the grant of corporate privilege was to advancepublic purposes such as building roads
- 2024-11-27 关注:20
- less of + 名词+ than...用困惑
- making it less of a target to hackers than if government health authorities stored the data.
- 2024-11-26 关注:33
- 宾语从句不受主句时态的限制?
- Einstein said that if all our bees disappeared, man would only live for four more years!
- 2024-11-26 关注:10
- how much引导的从句
- which measures how much of a substance is required to kill half the members of a tested population.
- 2024-11-26 关注:72
- 关于in others使用方法
- Sincereserve,ashowofmodestyandasen网站优化fhumorarepartofhisownnature,thetypical Englishmantendstoexpecttheminothers.
- 2024-11-26 关注:59
- against...在句子中干什么成分
- This drug has no effect on fight against cancer.2. There has seldom been so much protest against the Bomb.句子中的against部分是干什么成分呢?
- 2024-11-26 关注:27
- 非限制性定语从句关系词选择
- I seldom trust the workers in that company, most of whom talk much but do very little. 这里可以把whom改成them吗?
- 2024-11-26 关注:13
- 怎么样选中心词干什么短语成分
- Iworkfromearlyinthemorninguntillateatnight.
- 2024-11-25 关注:21
- 句子语序
- Mr.GatestoldtheBBCthatavaccinewastheonlywaytogetbacktolife,the wayitwasbeforethepandemic.
- 2024-11-25 关注:18
- Instructing分词干什么成分
- 请问instructing him...在句子中干什么成分?为何不是用to instruct him?The editor at once sent the journalist a fax instructing him to find out the exact number of steps....
- 2024-11-25 关注:18
- As引导的状语或状语从句
- As irritating,the authors never usse one adjective when seven or eight will do.这里As irritating是什么使用方法?
- 2024-11-25 关注:5
- adulthood milestone 怎么样翻译
- Adulthoodmilestones include leaving home, attending college and starting employment, etc.
- 2024-11-25 关注:8
- Ouverture des portes 的意思是
- The place wasn’t entirely authentic, though. Unlikea normal Parisian apartment, the plumbing worked.
- 2024-11-25 关注:27
- 基础的商务英语口语3篇
- The letter of credit for each order shall reach us 30 days.
- 2024-11-25 关注:6