- 学会这些英语短语,防止英语退化!
- 1. all the same 仍然,照样的
2. all the time 一直,始终
3. angry with sb. at/about sth.生气,愤怒
4. anxious about/for忧虑,担心
5. anything but 根本不
6. apar
- 2018-05-20 关注:40
- 英语短语学起来,日常生活中就能用到!
- 1. as for 至于,关于
2. as good as 和...几乎一样
3. as if 好像,防腐
4. as regards 关于,至于
5. as to 至于,关于
6. as usual 像平常一样,照例
7. as well as 除
- 2018-05-20 关注:45
- 教你如何说出地道英语,让别人赞不绝口!
- 1. Do you like to go out eating?
有次我问老美出去吃东西怎么说, 他回答说一般出去吃饭, 他们只说 go to eat , go out eating 或是 eat out 而不会说
- 2018-05-20 关注:43
- 与吻"Kiss"有关的英语,你都会说吗?
- kiss-ass n.马屁精,谄媚者, 奉承
kiss good-bye 吻别, 放弃,失去
kiss of death n.死神之吻,乍看有益但会导致毁灭的行为
kiss of life n.生命之吻
kiss of live n.口对
- 2018-05-20 关注:56
- 关于promise的英语讲解,切勿滥用!
- 许诺,承诺。西方人很神圣的一个词,我们不可不用,也不可滥用。“君子一言,驷马难追”啊!
- 2018-05-20 关注:30
- 关于Fail的口语讲解,你知道几个?
- 表示没办到,没做到,失信,或该做什么没做。这个词用好了,也不简单了。不过这个词特别好用。我们只需要加学一个fail to句型。
- 2018-05-20 关注:40
- 如何用英语发泄你的不满?
- 在生活中,有时候总能遇到让你无语的人。跟这种人打交道总觉得憋着一肚子火。下面我们来看一下如何用英语发泄你对这些人的不满吧。
1. sooner or later, you'll get y
- 2018-05-20 关注:47
- 7句地道英语口语教你表达"身体棒"
- 俗话说“身体是革命的本钱”,只有身体健康了,我们才有心情和精力去做别的事情。汉语中有很多说法可以表达“健康”的意思,那英语中是不是这样呢?
- 2018-05-20 关注:43
- 想"耍赖"?这几句地道英语口语你就一定要学会了!
- 游戏时耍赖:
that doesn't count. 那不算!
we weren't playing for real. 我们不是玩真的。
money has been really tight lately... 最近手头有
- 2018-05-20 关注:33
- 单身美眉注意了!这几句搭讪的英语口语一定要了解!
- 似曾相识:拉近和对方的距离。
you look like someone i know.
haven't we met before?
- 2018-05-20 关注:40
- 美文欣赏-You only live once-生命只有一次
- There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real! Dream what you want to dream; go
- 2018-05-20 关注:82
- 这10件事趁着年轻时候做起来吧,再不疯狂就老了!
- 1. Make yourself a priority
If you don’t take care of yourself, nobody else will. You have to be number one. All things in your life stem f
- 2018-05-20 关注:46
- 不要限制生活中遇到的挑战 英语美文 励志
- There’s this famous quote that can spark an interest to challenge yourself within you:
“If something that
- 2018-05-20 关注:111
- 做好这10件事,能帮助你度过灰心的日子!
- Everyone deals with discouragement at some point in their life. It’s part of what makes the human experience rich—the highs and the lows. If we didn
- 2018-05-20 关注:49
- 英语励志美文:去尝试这些难事,你才能跨越成功
- You have to do the hard things.
You have to make the call you’re afraid to make.
You have to get
- 2018-05-20 关注:52
- 励志英文:Do the hard things 去挑战困难的事
- You have to make the call you’re afraid to make.
You have to get up earlier than you want to get up.
- 2018-05-20 关注:151
- 美文欣赏-你是否在过着你想要的生活?
- Occasionally, life can be undeniably, impossibly difficult. We are faced with challenges and events that can seem overwhelming, life-destroying to the point whe
- 2018-05-20 关注:44
- 英语励志美文:10句话足以让你内心强大!
- Whether you're an experienced entrepreneur or just starting out, there's nothing more essential to success than keeping yourself motivated. Here are 10
- 2018-05-19 关注:49
- 英文励志欣赏 想要成功的人生,必须牢记的15件事!
- If you want to be successful in life, you’ll need to be purposeful and proactive in reaching your goals. Success doesn’t happen by accident. Instead
- 2018-05-19 关注:70
- 励志英文欣赏-想要自己变得更好,可以从这些方面来改变!
- We live in a world where criticizing people and focusing on negative attributes seems to be the social norm.
- 2018-05-19 关注:72
- 10个小问题让你发现最好的自己 英汉互译
- Because the answers to these ten questions will help you discover the very best in yourself…
1. What would make
- 2018-05-19 关注:55
- 消灭消极想法,从这些小事做起!英汉互译美文
- Let's take steps to banish some of the most common negative thoughts many of us repeat to ourselves. Being in a negative space is harmful to our overall wel
- 2018-05-19 关注:49
- 给你带来勇气的10条励志英语短句
- 1. You never know how strong you really are until being strong is the only choice you have。
1. 不到没有退路之时,你永远不会知道自己有多强大。
2. You cannot c
- 2018-05-19 关注:49
- 英汉互译 美文欣赏 别让人生充满遗憾
- Life is filled with regrets. Ask anyone around you what their regrets are and they usually have no difficulty coming up with many items on their “regret l
- 2018-05-19 关注:87
- 不管遇到什么事,请记得走在阳光下 励志英语短文
- 记得要走在阳光下,无论你这一天遇到什么糟糕的事,当走在阳光下的时候,也会感觉温暖。
greta always said, "dear, keep walking in sunshine!" no matter how terrible
- 2018-05-19 关注:53
- 励志英语欣赏 让弱点变为你的强项
- 不要因为自己的缺陷而自卑,如果懂得加以利用,有时候你最大的弱点甚至会变成你最大的强项。图文这个小男孩虽然没有左臂,但是却赢得了柔道比赛冠军,他的秘诀在哪呢?
- 2018-05-19 关注:47
- 抹掉内心消极的观念 英文欣赏
- The mind is a powerful thing, and in a nanosecond, it can elevate or crush our mood. There’s a real problem when we start buying into the negative thought
- 2018-05-19 关注:47
- 体育界励志英语名言
- Inspirational Sports Quotes
1. “Just Do it!” – Nike!
2. “I’ve
- 2018-05-19 关注:72
- 经典励志英语名言 让你为之奋斗的句子是哪一句?
- 1.有志者,事竟成。Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. /Where there is a will there is a way.
2.千里之行,始于足下。The longest journey begins with the fi
- 2018-05-19 关注:38
- 关于父亲激励人心的英语短句
- 1.
I have never been a material girl. My father always told me never to love anything that cannot love you back.
- 2018-05-19 关注:43
- 富兰克林.罗斯福的励志英语短句
- 罗斯福,美国历史上唯一蝉联四届的总统。被学者评为是美国最伟大的三位总统之一,同华盛顿和林肯齐名。下面是罗斯福励志名言中英对照。
the only limit to our realizatio
- 2018-05-19 关注:41
- 励志你前行的英语短句 喜欢哪一句就收了吧
- To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future
Promice yourself
- 2018-05-19 关注:57