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  • 如何用英语表达劝人"做运动"?
  • 每天适当运动不仅有助于身心健康,还能帮我们养成良好的生活习惯。怎样用英语表示“锻炼身体”?学习五种用来劝人“做运动”的英语表达。
  • 2018-05-14 关注:98
  • 英语词汇:选美大赛 beauty pageant
  • 前一阵的“环球小姐”选美大赛刚落幕,如今在匈牙利又举行了一场选美比赛。但不同于其他选美比赛的是,这次参加选美的佳丽必须是整过容的,而摘得桂冠的则被称为
  • 2018-05-13 关注:92
  • 英语词汇解析:地地导弹 surface-to-surface missile
  • 据一位高级军官透露,10月1日在北京举行的国庆阅兵式将展示108枚新型导弹。这些导弹都是我国最新研制生产的新一代导弹,技术先进,科技含量高。
    They included two types
  • 2018-05-13 关注:98
  • 英语词汇解析:群体无聊 group boredom
  • 十一长假,许多人选择外出游玩,但是也有许多年轻人选择在家上网,他们认为在网上可以和更多的朋友交流。于是他们的十一长假也就成了online vacation(网上假期)。网络在给我
  • 2018-05-13 关注:121
  • 英语词汇解析:富豪榜 rich list
  • 近日,2009年度胡润富豪榜出炉。今年的胡润富豪榜可谓来了个“大变脸”,有7位企业家首次挤进百富榜前10位,这在“胡润百富榜”自1999年首创以来是史无
  • 2018-05-13 关注:87
  • 英语词汇解析:隧桥 tunnel-bridge
  • 据《上海日报》的消息,世界上规模最大的隧桥结合工程——上海长江隧桥将于本月底通车。通车之后将为周边的民众带来许多便利。
    For many people, the opening o
  • 2018-05-13 关注:133
  • 英语口语:职场中的隔间礼仪
  • 现在很多人的办公室都是由一个个小隔间组成的,人与人之间都有薄薄的一层隔断。在个人空间有限的办公室,这样的隔间就算是我们的个人领地了。所以,在隔间中行走也是要注意
  • 2018-05-13 关注:92
  • 英语古诗赏析:庐山谣寄卢侍御虚舟 李白
  • 庐山谣寄卢侍御虚舟
    我本楚狂人, 凤歌笑孔丘。
    手持绿玉杖, 朝别黄鹤楼。
    五岳寻仙不辞远, 一生好入名山游。
    庐山秀出南斗傍, 屏风九叠云锦张;
  • 2018-05-13 关注:89
  • 英语美文赏析:Tiger Son
  • Once there was an elderly widow, Chen Ma, who lived with her only son inside a forest in the Shanxi Province. Her son was one of the tiger hunters licensed by t
  • 2018-05-13 关注:124
  • 英语民间故事:Sliver Pete
  • I've never told this story before, but just the same I'm telling you now.
    I was a boy of 8 in 1885 and I lived in a small town out west with my baby si
  • 2018-05-13 关注:141
  • 英语故事鉴赏:Aniz the Shepherd
  • Once upon a time a landlord hired a shepherd boy whose name was Aniz. He was very well liked. What people liked most of all was to listen to him playing the flu
  • 2018-05-13 关注:95
  • 英语诗歌欣赏:《墓地挽歌》by Thomas Gray
  • 墓园派诗人托马斯·格雷是18世纪的英国诗歌大家,其代表作《墓园挽歌》常被解读为“感伤主义”的代表作。诗中描绘了一种静谧 、闲适的农村田园生活,表现出
  • 2018-05-13 关注:366
  • 双语古诗:九月九日忆山东兄弟 王维
  • 九月九日忆山东兄弟
    独在异乡为异客, 每逢佳节倍思亲。
    遥知兄弟登高处, 遍插茱萸少一人。
    Wang Wei
    All alone in a foreign land,
    I am twice as homesick o
  • 2018-05-13 关注:105
  • 英语寓言故事:Lion On The Loose
  • Once it started raining, it just wouldn’t stop. The sky wept great tears in an endless stream until the clouds had entered everyone’s hearts and mad
  • 2018-05-13 关注:110
  • 英语语言故事:The Slaying of the Tanuki
  • Once upon a time...
    Near a big river, and between two high mountains, a man and his wife lived in a cottage a long, long time ago. A dense forest lay all round
  • 2018-05-13 关注:108
  • 解析希腊罗马神话和圣经中的英语典故
  • 17 The Apple of Ones Eye The Apple of Ones Eye的字面意思是“某人眼里的苹果”,在这里,apple指的是the pupil,大概因眼珠圆的象苹果之故。瞳孔是眼睛最重要
  • 2018-05-13 关注:149
  • 英语寓言故事:别惧怕成长
  • Risking
    Two seeds lay side by side in the fertile spring soil.
    The first seed said, I want to grow! I want to send my roots deep into the soil beneath me, and
  • 2018-05-13 关注:86
  • 英语故事欣赏:The House in the Wood
  • Once upon a time...
    A poor woodcutter lived with his wife and three daughters in a little hut on the borders of a great forest.
    One morning as he was going to
  • 2018-05-13 关注:110
  • Trusty John
  • Once upon a time...
    There was an old king who was so ill that he thought to himself, I am most likely on my death-bed. Then he said, Send Trusty John to me. No
  • 2018-05-13 关注:105
  • 英语情感故事:Love Letters
  • This past Christmas season, my husband, two daughters and I traveled to Spencer, West Virginia, to visit my parents. During this visit, I decided to explore the
  • 2018-05-13 关注:123
  • 一篇关于诚实的英语作文
  • My grandparents believed you were either honest or you weren't. There was no in between. They had a simple motto hanging on their living-room wall: Life is
  • 2018-05-13 关注:209
  • 英语美文欣赏-我的生日 my birthday
  • March 5th is my birthday.It's also a special day to memorize a great person -- Lei Feng. This year I celebrated my birthday in a different way. In the morni
  • 2018-05-13 关注:136
  • 英语美文欣赏:为休闲阅读
  • he first thing I want to insist on is that reading should be enjoyable. Of course, there are many books that we all have to road, either to pass examinations or
  • 2018-05-12 关注:107
  • 英语四级:常见形式改错及方法
  • 一、英语四、六级短文改错常见形式 ?
    1、错词(words mistaken)
    在标有题号的一行中有一词在词法、搭配或词义等方面有错误,要求考生找出错误并换上正确的词(change a wor
  • 2018-05-12 关注:215
  • 英语六级:常见错误改错题总结
  • 在六级考试题中,改错题可以说是送分题,只要你足够细心、谨慎,是很容易的。总结经验,我可以告诉你几个改错题常见的错误:
  • 2018-05-12 关注:120
  • 英语四级阅读解题技巧之判断题
  • 根据四级英语大纲的阅读技能要求和文章的特点以及题目设置的方式,可以将阅读理解的题型分为以下十种类型,针对不同题目类型总结出十大解题技巧:
    1. 标志
  • 2018-05-12 关注:183