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dear leaders:

   thank you for your busy schedule for taking the time to read down the letter to my job! i am about to complete their studies in the social set foot on the occasion of the extended family, had the honor to receive such a display of your company a valuable opportunity for self, is most grateful!

   the new century is approaching, society needs is a comprehensive high-quality talent, i am well aware of the competitive society in the future will be the talent competition, to competition in such a stand out, apart from the learning and mastery of professional knowledge, but also comprehensive training needs of their own qualities, and strive to be moral, intellectual, physical, and aesthetic development. three-year university career, i learned a lot a lot a lot a lot of growing up. just remember that when  also do not know much about computers, but the three-year study and efforts to benefit from a wide range of training opportunities. now i'm proficient in debugging computer, the computer network; in addition, the integrated use of skilled but also word, excel, wps scheduling and so on newspapers, magazines, manuscripts, etc., using frontpage, photoshop, flash, autocad and other software to complete an independent web site planning, construction and maintenance. i personally think that the biggest advantage is accumulated over the past few years a wide range of practical experience and strong ability to do the operation.

   i studied bio-engineering profession, the professional courses have been master of all, although some failed to meet the standards of proficiency, but i am confident that the work in the future to continue their studies. in this connection, i would not say that i have done very well, but their own self-confidence i can do better. this is where my greatest strengths!

   to find a suitable for its own characteristics, can give full play to their potential is my dream job, i hope your company can become self-worth that can be achieved the big stage. if your company can work together and embrace the glory that tomorrow will be my great honor! i will use my results to you to confirm my strength! i hope you give me a chance, i will also you a satisfied!

i wish: smooth!

   the performance of your company every success!












「标签: 英文求职信范文
发布时间:2018-08-21 作者: 来源: 浏览:
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