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Abstract: every class is the goal that every teacher has been striving for. The activation of the classroom is the core of each class, teachers should use various effective means to make the classroom full of vitality, so that students participate in the classroom easily and happily.

Classroom teaching is the basic way to implement the quality education of students and the main form, and the core of quality education is "student-centered development" and thus activate the classroom, increase the life consciousness of teaching, teaching is a pressing matter of the moment of modern teaching. The passion of teachers and students is the torch that ignites the classroom, the yeast that stimulates the students' interest, the motive force to promote the students' study, the catalyst for the work of teachers, and the sign that teachers are always young. Without passion, the classroom can not arouse the interest of the students; there is no vitality; the classroom without passion can not arouse the students' thinking without being bored. So, how do you make yourself a passionate teacher? How to create an active, interactive and open teaching situation, so that English teaching twice the time with half the effort?

First, do a passionate English teacher, first of all to love life, love English, love the students, in their hearts often accumulated like magma like hot love, let every student in the heart of love, the release of sediment fermentation. Beijing New Oriental vice president, a famous English teaching expert Jiang Bo created the "passion Association" law". He believes that "Passion" is the only rational motivation in English learning. Passion is not a frenzy of simple action, but a deep love for English language learners, a passion for learning english. In the normal communication, the teacher should make the students feel that our relationship with them is very important. The teacher is perhaps the love of students, but the doings may on the contrary, if the delay on the class, do not pay attention to the students' time; provide the material not too simple is too difficult, not practical ability for students; do not provide interaction or discuss opportunities, ignoring students' ideas; do not consider student's arrangement, or reason worry, showing the students indifferent; don't go to work on time or time to see the students, do not respect the needs of students, especially their extracurricular personal demand; unrestrained humorous or sarcastic statements such as the use of. Looking down on students or embarrassing them may cause students to experience intense pain, destroy self-confidence, and brew hostility. Of course, we love students, we must show clearly in our actions; love students, including the needs and interests of their appreciation. This is closely related to our understanding of how students learn and what they need to help encourage such learning. We also encourage them directly or indirectly as learners. In class, it is reflected in our spontaneous behavior and the constant sensitivity of our class members.

Two, have a sense of humor. According to the English curriculum standard, "only when students have positive feelings about themselves, their English and their culture and their English learning can they keep the motivation and achievements in English learning.". Negative emotions not only affect the effect of English learning, but also affect the long-term development of students. Therefore, in English teaching, teachers should pay attention to students' emotion from beginning to end, and strive to create a relaxed, democratic and harmonious teaching atmosphere. Shakespeare, a great drama master, once said, "humor is an expression of wit and wisdom."." The word "humor" is English humor transliteration, it is a kind of unique personal temperament, it is a superb art, sound or silent. Some people say that humor is both a language art and a behavior characteristic. Psychologically, most people like humorous stories and appreciate people with a sense of humor. Therefore, an English teacher has a sense of humor in English teaching, the proper use of humor, can stimulate the students' emotion, arouse their joy and happiness, make them obtain spiritual enjoyment and pleasure, so as to stimulate students' interest in learning and learning initiative。

Of course, not only passion, but also a tolerant, rigorous, stable quality, all in all, a good teacher should be strict tolerance: humor, humor is rigorous, calm, calm and passion.

Let us passion flying, create brilliant! When we enter the English class, our life will be full of passion; when students go out of the English class, their life will be more brilliant!

「标签: 英语论文范文

发布时间:2018-08-23 作者: 来源: 浏览:
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