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Dear Professor,
I am greatly grateful that you can spare some time to read my letter. I am a Chinese undergraduate from XX, which is one of the top 10 universities in China, and I will graduate in 20XX. After that, I want to continue my education by pursuing a master degree in France. I am now in the department of XX.
My primary interest is in international commerce, and I notice that ESSEC is on top of that field, so I decide to exert myself to get in. Your research in “cross-cultural relationship marketing”, especially your publications on business of China as well as Southeast Asia, are of particular interest to me. And I would like to deal with business between Europe and China in my career. That's why I seek entry to your theme.
During my university years, I am used to working in a team environment. For example, I was administrative vice minister in Student Union, and organized and schemed activities along with competitions in university. For my excellent job, I gained the scholarship for entertainment and physical education activities. passing College English Tests 4&6, I turned to learn French last year and I got a score of 463 in TCF. I am preparing for IELTS currently, and if GMAT is necessary for applying master degree in ESSEC, I shall take the test after the IELTS test.
With so much admiration and enthusiasm, I hope I would have the opportunity to work under yoursupervision. If admitted, I am able to continue working along the lines of your present research. Thanks for your kindness and consideration.
Yours sincerely , XXX
「标签: 自荐信范文」
发布时间:2018-05-30 作者: 来源: 浏览:
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      您好! 首先感谢您在百忙之中浏览我的自荐信。我是XX职业技术学院市场营销班的一名专科毕业生。即将面临就业的选择
  • 09-21 关注:210